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Description of the Menu Documents - Metis Documentation

Description of the Menu Documents

From Metis Documentation

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The Documents menu allows the Smart Quotes user to generate various types of documents, as shown in the following example:
The ''Documents'' menu allows the Smart Quotes user to generate various types of documents for various recipients, as shown in the following example:
A configuration is a set of documents. The Smart Quotes user can create several document configurations and select them using a drop-down list.
The Documents window consists of the following tables on the left:
The Documents window first consists of the following buttons:
* Customer List: it displays all the companies and contact persons that have been defined at the project, offer, system and sub-system levels. An icon (i.e. a country flag) shows the default language defined for the contact person or the company (refer to the Language field in the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | properties]] of the company and/or of the contact person).
* [[#Add | Add]]
* [[#Edit | Edit]]
* [[#Delete | Delete]]
* [[#Duplicate | Duplicate]]
* [[#Print | Print]]
* [[#Save | Save]]
* [[#Block Offer | Block Offer]]
Each button is described in a separate section below.
A drop-down list appears under the action buttons. This list contains the configurations made by the Smart Quotes user.
Details about the selected document configuration are displayed in the main table of the '''Documents''' menu:
* The first column contains an icon to indicate if the document is an offer or a system / subsystem level document
* The contents of the second column can be divided into the following lines:
** the recipient's name and address as well as the contact person's first and last names (if any),
** offer level document(s). The document's name as defined by the administrator is displayed.
** system level document(s). The document's name as defined by the administrator is first displayed followed by the system / sub-system's description.
* The third column contains an icon (i.e. a country flag). It shows the default language defined for the contact person or the company (refer to the ''Language'' field in the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | properties]] of the company and/or of the contact person).
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* The fourth column contains an icon to preview a document.
* The last column contains an icon to generate an e-mail with the necessary documents as attachments.
* Document List: it displays the documents that have been made available by the administrator, at the offer level and at the system level. The documents available for a system are automatically made available to the subsystem(s). Therefore, documents for a system and its sub-system(s) are identical.
Depending upon the number of companies selected in the [[#Add | Document Configuration window]], a certain number of lines are displayed in the main table. For each address, the documents that were selected in the [[#Add | Document Configuration window]] are displayed and grouped per level, i.e. under the offer and system levels.
The following icons allows the Smart Quotes user to quickly determine the document format:
A document could exist in several languages. By default, in the main table, the documents that are pre-selected for each address correspond to the default language of the contact person (if applicable) or of the company. In other words, the pre-selected documents correspond to the icon displayed in the customer default language cell.
However, the Smart Quotes user can select a document in another language by clicking on the cell with the flag icon. Then, a pop up menu appears with the list of available languages as shown in the following example:
The languages available in this pop-up menu are the same as the languages available in the [[Description of the Menu Setup#Change Language | Setup menu]]. Selecting a language from this pop-up menu (e.g. French) selects the corresponding version of the document (e.g. the French version).
The same pop-up window appears when clicking on the flag icon in the customer default language cell, as shown in the following example:
If the language is changed here (e.g. to French), then all the documents associated to the selected customer are changed (e.g. the French version of the documents is selected). If no document has been defined by the administrator in the target language (e.g. in French), then, the document associated to the customer remains in English (for example) as it is the first document available.
For a better understanding of the language concept for the documents, an example is provided below.
In the version used by the Smart Quotes user, the English (EN) and the French (FR) languages are available. The administrator has defined document templates for the English and the French languages, at the offer and the system levels.
In Smart Quotes, the user has defined, at the offer level, the company "Xpert Technologies". The default language of "Xpert Technologies" is the French.
Therefore, in the customer default language cell, the French flag is displayed and the French versions of the documents are pre-selected. However, the Smart Quotes user has the choice between the French version or the English version of the documents. If the Smart Quotes user selects the English language, the English version of the documents is selected.
On top of previewing documents using the ([[File:MetisSmartQuotesPreviewDocumentIcon.PNG]]) icon, documents can be sent by e-mail using the ([[File:MetisSmartQuotesEmailDocumentIcon.png]]) icon.
Upon clicking on the ''e-Mail'' icon, a pop up window appears as shown in the following example:
The ''From'' field is pre-populated with the e-mail address of the logged-in Smart Quotes user. If undefined (see the e-mail field in the [[Description of the Menu Setup#User Data | Setup Menu - User Data tab]]), this field is blank.
The ''To'' field is pre-populated with the e-mail address of the contact person. If undefined (see the e-mail field of the contact person data from the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | Addresses Menu]]), this field contains the e-mail address of the company. If undefined (see the e-mail field of the company data from the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | Addresses Menu]]), this field is empty.
The ''Subject'' field is pre-populated with the offer number and the offer name.
The Smart Quotes user can type a text in the e-mail body before sending the e-mail.
Although they are no visible (due to the mail delivery protocol defined in Smart Modeling), the documents are indeed attached to e-mail.
Depending on the administrator settings (i.e. the mail delivery protocol), a different type of e-mail window might appear instead of the one shown in the above example. The layout is different, as shown in the following example:
The same information are included in the other e-mail window with the difference that the attachments are visible.
== Add ==
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to create a configuration of documents.
The first pre-requisite is that the administrator must have previously defined the list of documents (also called template documents) in Smart Modeling and that he/she has made them available to the Smart Quotes users.
The second prerequisite for generating documents is that at least one company should be linked at the project, offer, system or sub-system level. If not, upon clicking on the ''Add'' button, a pop up window appears asking to add an address, as shown in the following example:
Upon clicking on ''Yes'', the [[Description of the Menu Project#Edit Offer | Edit Offer window]] is displayed.
Once the pre-requisites are met, the '''Document Configuration''' window is displayed, as shown in the following example:
The window consists of the following parts:
* Configuration Name: this field displays a default designation. The user can edit it as desired.
* Address: this table displays all the companies and contact persons that have been defined at the project, offer, system and sub-system levels.
* Document: this table displays the documents that have been made available by the administrator, at the offer level and at the system level. The documents available for a system are automatically made available to the subsystem(s). Therefore, documents for a system and its sub-system(s) are identical.
The following icons allows the Smart Quotes user to quickly determine the document format:
{| style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: grey; padding: 5"
{| style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: grey; padding: 5"
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== Generating Documents ==
First, the Smart Quotes user must select at least one company in the '''Address''' table. If desired, the Smart Quotes user can select all the companies using the ''All'' button at the bottom of the '''Address''' table.
Then, the Smart Quotes user must select at least one document in the '''Document''' table.
A prerequisite for generating documents is that at least one company should be linked at the project, offer, system or sub-system level.
The second pre-requisite is that the administrator must have previously defined the list of documents (also called template documents) in Smart Modeling and that he/she has made them available to the Smart Quotes users.
The third pre-requisite is that the system(s) that must be controlled (e.g. by a supervisor or by an external application) have actually been checked. Otherwise, it is not possible to generate any documents, as shown in the following example:
The systems and sub-systems contained in the offer are listed in the main table. The system(s) preventing the documents to be generated is/are preceded by a red cross.
When the pre-requisites are met, the Smart Quotes user must select at least one company in the Customer list table. If desired, the Smart Quotes user can select all the companies using the ''All'' button at the bottom of the Customer List table.
Then, the Smart Quotes user must select at least one document in the Document List table. If desired, the Smart Quotes user can select all the documents using the ''All'' button at the bottom of the Document List table.
Finally, the Smart Quotes user must click on the ''Filter'' button.
| The filter criteria are not cumulative. Changing the selection then clicking on the ''Filter'' button causes the previous results to be lost.
| It is possible to select several documents by pressing the ''Ctrl'' or ''MAJ'' buttons of the keyboard.
Upon clicking on the ''Filter'' button, the main table is populated, as shown in the following example:
Finally, the Smart Quotes user must drag the selected document(s) and drop them to the lower '''Document''' table, as shown in the following example:
The lower '''Document''' table consists of the following buttons to manage the documents member of the configuration:
The first row shows the customer that were selected in the Customer List table.
* Delete: to delete one or more documents from the configuration.
The second row shows the default language of the contact person or of the company (if no language has been defined for the contact person or if no contact person has been linked to the company).
* Up and Down arrows: to manage the sort order of the documents.
Then, depending on the number of companies selected in the Customer list table, a certain number of columns are displayed in the main table. For each customer selected in the Customer List table, one column is added one after the other. For each customer, the documents that were selected in the Document list table are displayed. Documents are grouped per level, i.e. under the offer and system levels.
* Output Format: to generate all the document(s) from the document in a single PDF or Word document. To generate a single Word document, all the documents member of the configuration must be Word documents. Otherwise, the PDF output format is automatically selected.
A document could exist in several languages. By default, in the main table, the documents that are pre-selected for each customer correspond to the default language of the contact person (if applicable) or of the company. In other words, the pre-selected documents correspond to the icon displayed in the customer default language cell.
However, the Smart Quotes user can select a document in another language by clicking on the cell with the flag icon, next to the document's designation. Then, a pop up menu appears with the list of available languages as shown in the following example:
At the bottom of the '''Document Configuration''' window, the ''Save'' button becomes active once a document has been dropped to the lower '''Document''' table. By validating, the configuration is saved and it becomes available in the '''Documents''' menu.
== Edit ==
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to edit the properties of a configuration. The window is identical to the [[#Add | Document Configuration window]].
The languages available in this pop-up menu are the same as the languages available in the [[Description of the Menu Setup#Change Language | Setup menu]]. Selecting a language from this pop-up menu (e.g. French) selects the corresponding version of the document (e.g. the French version).
The difference is that the ''Save'' button becomes active only if a change has been made to the current configuration.
| In the pop-up menu, the first line is a blank line. If selected, no action can be performed on the document. This means that the document cannot be previewed, printed, saved or sent by e-mail.
== Delete ==
The same pop-up window appears when clicking on the flag icon in the customer default language cell. If the language is changed here (e.g. French), then all the documents associated to the selected customer are changed. The French version of the documents is selected. For a better understanding of the language concept for the documents, an example is provided below.
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to delete a selected document configuration.  
If several configurations exist, the Smart Quotes user must pay attention to the configuration selected in the drop-down list before clicking on the ''Delete'' button.
In the version used by the Smart Quotes user, the English (EN) and the French (FR) languages are available. The administrator has defined document templates for the English and the French languages, at the offer and the system levels.
== Duplicate ==
In Smart Quotes, the user has defined, at the offer level, the company "Xpert Technologies". The default language of "Xpert Technologies" is the French.
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to create a copy of a selected document configuration.  
Therefore, in the Customer Default Language cell, the French flag is displayed and the French version of the documents are pre-selected. However, the Smart Quotes users has the choice between the French version or the English version of the documents. If the Smart Quotes users selects the English language, the "English version of the documents is selected.
If several configurations exist, the Smart Quotes user must pay attention to the configuration selected in the drop-down list before clicking on the ''Duplicate'' button.
Upon clicking on the ''Duplicate'' button, a copy of the selected configuration is created and automatically pre-selected in the '''Documents''' menu. The original configuration name is kept and "Copy" is appended to it, as shown in the following example:
To preview a document, the Smart Quotes user should click on the preview icon ([[File:MetisSmartQuotesPreviewDocumentIcon.PNG]]).
On top of previewing documents, other actions can be performed with the documents. Below the main table, the following buttons are available:
== Print ==
* Print: to send the documents to a printer
* Save: to save the documents.
* e-Mail: to send the documents by e-mail.
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to generate and send the documents for a recipient to a printer. If a configuration contains two recipients for example, each recipient must be selected to print all the documents.
If one of the documents present in the configuration cannot be generated, the process is interrupted and none of the documents is printed, as described in the following pop up window:
| The Smart Quotes user must carefully filter the documents beforehand as, when clicking on one of these buttons, all the documents displayed in the main table are printed, saved or attached to the e-mail.
When saving documents from the ''Save'' button, by default, the documents name has the "rp_<Document ID>_<Company ID>_<Contact Person ID>_<Language>.*" format where:
* <Document ID> is the ID of the document in the database
* <Company ID> is the ID of the company in the database
* <Contact Person ID> is the ID of the contat person in the database
* <Language> is the abbreviation for the document language
* and ".*" is the file extension
When clicking the ''e-Mail'' button, a pop up window appears as shown in the following example
== Save ==
This button allows the Smart Quotes user to generate and save the documents for a recipient. If a configuration contains two recipients for example, each recipient must be selected to generate all the documents.
If one of the documents present in the configuration cannot be generated, the process is interrupted and none of the documents is saved, as described in the following pop up window:
The ''From'' field is pre-populated with the e-mail address of the logged-in Smart Quotes user. If undefined (see the e-mail field in the [[Description of the Menu Setup#User Data | Setup Menu - User Data tab]]), this field is blank.
The ''To'' field is pre-populated with the e-mail address of the contact person(s). If undefined (see the e-mail field of the contact person data from the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | Addresses Menu]]), this field contains the e-mail address of the company. If undefined (see the e-mail field of the company data from the [[Description of the Menu Addresses | Addresses Menu]]), this field is empty.
Otherwise, the output document is a single PDF or Word document. If the document configuration contains several recipients, the saved documents are those defined under the selected address.
All the documents under a company are merged within a single PDF or Word document. The generated document is named:
| If several companies have been selected in the Customer list, several e-mail addresses might appear in the ''To'' field. There are separated by a semi colon.
* For PDF documents: ''RP_<ID of the company as stored in the database>_<ID of the contact as stored in the database>.PDF''
The ''Subject'' field is pre-populated with the offer number and the offer name.
* For Word documents: ''RP_<ID of the template of the first document of the configuration as stored in the database>_<ID of the company as stored in the database>_<ID of the contact as stored in the database>_<Language of the template of the first document of the configuration>_<1 Digit Number>.docx''
The Smart Quotes user can type a text in the e-mail body before sending the e-mail.
Although they are no visible (due to the mail delivery protocol defined in Smart Modeling), the documents are indeed attached to e-mail.
Depending on the administrator settings (i.e. the mail delivery protocol), a different type of e-mail window might appear instead of the one shown in the above example. The layout is different, as shown in the following example:
The same information are included in the other e-mail window with the difference that the attachments are visible.
== Blocking an Offer ==
== Block Offer ==
The Smart Quotes user has the possibility to lock the offer for editing (e.g. once an offer has been submitted to a prospect).
In the Documents menu, the Smart Quotes user has the possibility to block an offer by checking the "This proposal has been sent to the customer (block proposal)" checkbox.
Upon clicking on the ''Block Offer'' button, a confirmation window opens.
Once checked, a pop-up window appears to confirm the action. Once locked, it is not possible to untick the checkbox. The offer can no longer be edited. The grey padlock icon [[File:MetisSmartQuotesBlockedOfferPadlock.PNG]] appears in the [[Metis Smart Quotes User Manual Home Page#Graphic User Interface | header]].
Once the offer is locked, this action is irreversible. The ''Block Offer'' button no longer appears in the menu. The padlock icon [[File:MetisSmartQuotesBlockedOfferPadlock.PNG]] appears in the [[Metis Smart Quotes - Layout#Graphic User Interface | header]].
It is not possible to generate any document for this offer.  
The offer can no longer be edited. The Smart Quotes user is only able to:
It is only possible to [[Description of the Menu Order | order]] the offer.
* Manage the document configurations and generate documents as explained in this page,
* [[Description of the Menu Project#Creating an Offer | Define companies and contact persons]] at the offer level,
* [[Description of the Menu Order | Order]] the offer.
| <mediaplayer width='400' height='300' image='http://www.xpert-technologies.ch/mediawikidev/images/a/ab/VID_GeneratingDocuments.PNG'>File:Generate_Documents.mp4</mediaplayer>
| <mediaplayer width='400' height='300'>File:Generate_Documents.mp4</mediaplayer>
| How to generate documents.
| How to generate documents.

Latest revision as of 16:02, 19 February 2015

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